The total driving distance from Fayetteville, North Carolina to Columbia, South Carolina is 166 miles or 267 kilometers. Your journey begins in Fayetteville, North Carolina. It ends in Columbia, South Carolina. It will tell you the estimated cost of gas for miles traveled by road for a road trip from West Columbia (South Carolina) to Fayetteville (North Carolina) ** Toll roads often add an additional cost to your trip; consider these costs in your budget.
If you are interested in seeing more cities, & cities near West Columbia, South Carolina, or cities near Fayetteville, North Carolina, we will show you all the cities within your chosen radius. Now let's suppose you have a private jet and can fly the fastest possible straight line between Fayetteville, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina. Distance between cities › United States › North Carolina › Fayetteville, NC › Distance from Fayetteville to Columbia.